Saturday night, my family met for dinner at Red Elephant and then we went up to Dorothy B Oven park to look at the Christmas lights! This is one of my favorite Christmas events that we've done for several years now. It was a warm(er) night for being December, but it was very comfortable. The Winter Festival parade downtown and the FSU ACC championship game were both going on that night, so there wasn't much of a crowd. Thank goodness!

The kid's favorite light display in the park:
The train!
Is that not the cutest "official mistletoe tester" you've ever seen? :)
Kate loved running around to each light display and shouting "Mom, take my picture!"
I couldn't get Mason to stand beside a light display and smile for me - so this was the next best thing:
All boy. Shaking the light display.
This next picture was the hardest one of the night but after three different attempts, we finally got a decent one of the grandparents and the grand kids. Uncle Jordan shouted "I see a monkey" and the boys stared long enough in my general direction for me to snap the picture. Whew.
We had a great time!
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