Sunday, December 30, 2012

2 Month Dr Appointment

Friday, we took Mason for his two month appointment which meant his first series of shots.  It was so sad to hear him crying but overall he did great.  He hasn't had much of a reaction from the shots and to be honest, you would never know he had them.  He hasn't been anymore sleepy or cranky than usual so I'm thankful.
We did receive a bit of surprising news that Mason has a mild form of torticollis, which is a stiffening of the neck muscle and causes the head to tilt or lean to one side. Once Dr. Elzie pointed it out, I did notice that Mason's head always leans to his left, but we were reassured that it's so mild we can probably correct it by doing stretching exercises at home instead of going to physical therapy.

Head Circumference: 40.7cm, 74th percentile

Height: 23 inches, 55th percentile

Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz, 88th percentile

 My chunky monkey - you are a big boy when you have fat rolls on your ankles!

Sweet smiles from Mason - makes my heart melt. 
At two months, Mason is right on track developmentally: focuses on objects, crying less frequently, sleeping through the night (the past week has been 10pm - 6am), holds head steady, focuses on his hand/arm and his movements have started to become more controlled. 
Mason is smiling so much now and loves to "talk" and coo.  He will get the biggest grin on his face, but he can turn it off as quickly as he turned it on. It's so entertaining interacting with him now.  Love you little man!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Job Adventure

The Friday before Christmas, I accepted a new job at the Department of Revenue.  This opportunity has been a complete surprise, and I’m very excited and nervous at the same time.  The great news is that I can stay on maternity leave until March 1 but the downside is that we have no income until then!  The practical side of me says go back to work earlier, but I’ve decided to be a little bit selfish and have another two months with my babies.  I know these next two months will fly by, but I’m thankful to be given this opportunity since I have to continue working.

It’s funny how I’ve looked back and ask God for one thing and he gives me something else instead.  I was praying that Justin would get a fantastic job so I wouldn’t have to go back to work (and still am…) but instead God gave ME a job opportunity.  This new job is a huge leap of faith, but after weighing my options, I think this job at Revenue will be a good fit for me at this time in my life.  At Education, it’s a very unpredictable work environment and extremely demanding, and while it helps the days fly by, it’s hard on both me and Justin.  I come home exhausted and mentally drained some days and it takes away from my quality time with my family.  
I am really going to miss the co-workers I have at Education but I’m excited to develop new friendships at Revenue.  I told my boss (Amy) at Education that I wasn’t closing the door forever, I just needed a change for right now.   I was nervous about making the move and talking to Amy, but after that conversation, I’ve been very excited about this new adventure so I think that’s a good sign!  Some of the biggest changes will be location (at Southwood and literally next door to daycare), the option of a flex schedule and little to no overtime!  Exactly what I asked God for if I had to continue working.
One big change for Kate will be daycare.  Starting in January, she will start going to school only three mornings a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) from 8-12 so we can save some money and see how this new schedule works everyone.  The director, Ms. Dawn, told me she would hold Kate’s full time spot for these next two months and we will re-evaluate the situation for March.  Justin is planning on working part time from home and keeping the kids so this will be an adventure for everyone! I’m not sure financially what we will do in March about daycare, depending on Justin’s work situation, but I know God will make it all work so I’m trying not to stress about it.
Please keep us in your prayers!

Christmas 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas this year but I honestly can't believe it's already over.  In a way I'm relieved and feel proud of myself for already getting the tree down, decorations packed up (granted I don't have that many) and all the presents put up!  Whew.
Kate absolutely loved getting out all the Christmas decorations this year. Gigi and Granddaddy bought her a pink Christmas tree for her, which she helped me decorate one night. She also loved to take those ornaments and decorate our bathroom to bring mommy and daddy some Christmas cheer.

Seeing Christmas lights was another favorite activity Kate loved this year. Several of our neighbors decorated their yards with lights, reindeers, santas, snowmen, etc and Kate loved to watch out for when the lights were turned on. Next year, mommy and daddy are going to put our lights up at our house - it was just too hectic this year.
A reindeer in Killearn Gigi and Granddaddy took her to see.
We had a lot of fun things to do right around Christmas and it started with Kate's Christmas program at school. She didn't want to sit with her class until I offered to go over there and sit with her class. I was the only parent over there, but at least it encouraged her to participate.

 Gigi was able to come with us this year!  Mason was there too but he slept through it.
The Saturday before Christmas, Betsy organzied a gift exchange party with Koby, Elijah, Kyndall, Ava, and my two. The kids had a great time playing while the mommies enjoyed socializing with the occasional interruption (haha). We were missing a few friends, but hopefully next year everyone can come. 
Mason bought a present for Ava (two outfits) and Kate bought a present for Kyndall (Aunt Katie helped me make a personalized plastic organizer filled with color wonder coloring books, markers and stickers).  Kate received a barbie and color wonder Tinkerbell book/markers from Ava (which she loves) and Mason received an adorable polo outfit and toy cell phone from Koby.  I think gift exchanges are one of the greatest ideas - it makes it so much more manageable to shop for friends.

 Left to Right: Kate, Elijah, Kyndall and Koby

 From left to right: Elijah, Ava, Koby, Kyndall, Kate and Mason
 and a picture with the mommies
Thank you Mrs. Betsy for organizing our gift exchange and for the wonderful pictures!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day flew by.  Santa dropped off a swing set for Kate and Mason a week before Christmas and Daddy worked very hard to get it put together since Santa's elves were busy helping other kids.  Granddaddy,  Papa, Uncle Evan and Ryan all helped daddy and they were able to get it put together by Christmas Morning! 
I feel like I say this every year, but I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to this Christmas.  Kate is in a phase where she doesn't want to take pictures so it makes it difficult to "force" her to look at the camera and smile.  Every now and then she will cooperate, but it is usually a struggle.
Christmas Eve we went over to Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie's house for dinner with my family and hers (a family tradition).  This year Uncle Jordan came up with the idea for everyone to bring a gift (could be practical or gag) and we did a White Elephant gift exchange.  I haven't gone to many of these so I'm always at a loss for an idea, but I think I did pretty good: Magic 8 ball and fireworks.  Some of the other gifts included a lent lizard, gift card to Newks (I stole that), cookie mix, two counting coin jars (Justin got one), box of chocolates, a wrap light, and more.
The ONLY family picture over Christmas - so glad I got this one since it turned out to be our only one.

Christmas morning, Mason woke up about 5:45am and Kate slept until 7:00am.  I was actually glad Mason got up early so I was able to feed him and get ready before Kate woke up.  Santa was very good to both kids.  He gave Kate a Cinderella and Tinkerbell movie, a lift-the-flap bible story book, princess flashlight, two puzzles, a My Little Pony and a Lalaloopsy mini doll.  She also got a new play kitchen for her room.  Santa brought a farm toy and an outfit for Mason too.  The swing reveal was a big flop since it was raining that morning, but thankfully Kate had so many other gifts to play with she forgot about going outside.
 Gifts under our Christmas tree!

 Sleepy boy.
 Mason's gifts Christmas morning (from Santa and family)
About mid morning, we went over to my parents house for brunch and to open gifts.   I look forward to Christmas breakfast every year - what a treat!

 Getting ready to open presents!
 Samantha was snuggled under the Christmas tree.
 One of Kate's favorite toys - a John Deere truck from Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie - wow!

The swing set from Santa!
We went over to the Evers' house later Christmas day to celebrate Christmas once again and for a combined Christmas night dinner with both the Evers' and my family (another family tradition).  I didn't take a single picture at the Evers', but over there it's hard to take pictures because all gifts are opened simultaneously and the entire thing is over in a matter of minutes.
We were able to spend a couple days with Uncle Evan, Aunt Mel, Erin and Ryan and I wish they could have stayed longer, but it was great to see them! Unfortunately we weren't able to go to Naples around Christmas, but we are planning a trip sometime in January to visit the rest of Justin's family. 
Hope everyone had a great Christmas too!

Friday, December 21, 2012

3 Week Pictures

Over the years, I have gotten pictures of Kate at Dina Ivory Photography but only when she has a special photography package because otherwise her prices are way over my budget!

When I was in there for Kate's three year pictures (and 9 months pregnant), Dina gave me a flyer for her three week complimentary session for mom and baby (which includes a free 5x7). I wish now I had know about it with Kate, but I'm so glad I did them with Mason. When you haven't slept or showered in a couple days, it is so much easier not to put forth the effort to get dressed up, but I love, love, love these two pictures!!

Here's my handsome three week old boy...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Night of Firsts

Tonight was two "firsts" for me:

1. I gave Mason a bath without his newborn sling. The jury is still out on this, I might put him back in it because he flops back and forth between the bath tub sides.

2. I'm posting this from my new blogger app!! We will see if my posts become more often or not. I would hope so since this seems to be so convenient!

A few pictures to capture the milestone...

Two Months Old

Mason turned  two months old yesterday and the time is flying by.  This handsome little man is so happy these days and sleeping great – a huge change (for the better) from a couple weeks ago.  About a week and a half ago, I called the doctor and got a prescription for reflux medicine.  I had suspected he might have some reflux issues, and discussed them at his one month appointment with Dr. Elzie, but I was told to just keep an eye on his symptoms (not sleeping well, crying in pain, clinching his fists, and pulling his legs up to his tummy).  A couple weeks after that appointment when things hadn’t improved, I called the doctor’s office and thankfully they were willing to call in a prescription without needing to see him.  At the same time, I drastically cut back on dairy (yogurt, cheese and ice cream) and Mason has been a completely different baby.  Poor thing; he had a rough month or so but we seem to be on the right track now.
For the past four nights, he has been sleeping through the night!  I feel like it has finally paid off trying to get him on a schedule and implement the Babywise sleep training.  I hadn’t read the book with Kate until she was two months old and she had naturally fallen into a feed/sleep pattern without much guidance.  Poor Mason has been the complete opposite.  I struggled for weeks to try to get some consistency with feeding and sleeping and honestly, at such a young age, I think it’s nearly impossible.  The book can make everything sound so easy and reality is anything but sometimes.  “Mom decides when nap begins and ends, not baby” – Ha!  I might want him to go to sleep at a certain time, but I can’t force a baby to fall asleep. 
I was about to give up on the whole Babywise schedule, but once Mason started his medicine and I quit eating dairy, there was a drastic improvement.  Maybe it’s the medicine, maybe it’s the change in my eating habits, maybe it’s a combination of both, but either way it’s working! 
I tried to force Mason to sleep swaddled on his back, but I discovered he slept so much better on his tummy.  His first few weeks of life, I only put him on his tummy for naps, but now he sleeps that way for naps and at night.  The first few nights I kept waking up and checking on him, but then I got much more comfortable with it.  Besides, our generation was raised sleeping exclusively on our tummies and we all turned out just fine.  Whenever I need to wake Mason up (rare, but it happens), I always just flip him on his back to get to awake – he’ll grunt and squirm the minute I turn him over and slowly open one eye and look around.  He is one hard baby to wake up if he’s in a deep sleep in his bed.   
I can lay him down sleepy and he will drift off to sleep on his own without a peep and other times he might fuss for a couple minutes before going to sleep.  He likes to suck on his hand before going to sleep (if he can find it) and there have been a couple times he has found his thumb – oh no!  I’ve always said I didn’t want a “thumb sucker” because I can take a pacifier away much easier than I can stop thumb sucking. 
Here’s Mason’s typical schedule: At each feeding, he eats (usually takes about 30-45 minutes), has “awake time” (plays on floor gym, in bounce chair, swings, or bath), and then takes a nap.  We repeat this cycle every three hours or so.

7:00am – Wake Up followed by Eat, Play and Nap (an average of 2 hours)

10:00am – Eat, Play and Nap (an average of 1 hour)

1:00pm – Eat, Play and Nap (an average of 2 hours)

4:00pm – Eat, Play and Nap (an average of 1 hour)

7:00pm – Eat, Play and Nap (an average of 30 minutes)

9:30pm – Eat and then bedtime

10:00pm – 7:00am Sleep!

Of course this is just an example and each day looks a little bit different – sometimes Mason goes 3.5 hours in between feeding and other times it might only be 2 – 2.5 hours in between feedings (usually late afternoon or evenings) but so far this has worked great the past week or so.  I’m just so relieved he is sleeping better now.

Mason has also made progress as far as his “awake” time.  Used to, he just wanted to be held and would only stay on the floor or in his bounce chair for 5-10 minutes.  But now he will lay on the floor playing and cooing for 20 – 30 minutes (sometimes longer)!  When Kate is home, she will usually get down on the floor with him and play and Mason loves it.  I love watching the two of them interact and I know it’ll get more entertaining the older he gets. 

At this young age, I can already tell some of Mason’s likes and dislikes:

Likes: bath time, laying on his changing table, watching Kate, being held, sleeping on his tummy,  pacifier

Dislikes: being in the car seat, taking medicine, sleeping on his back/being swaddled, taking a bottle

It’s so interesting how little ones can have such a distinct personality at this young age.  Here are some pictures of my sweet boy - can't get enough of him!


 I want to squeeze him!

Timberlane Christmas Party 2012

Sunday night, we attended the annual Christmas Party at Timberlane.  We had a great time and everyone in attendance got a Christmas surprise when Kate got up and belted out Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer into the microphone for all to hear.  Needless to say it took me by surprise.  She wouldn't participate in her school Christmas program unless I sat with her and it turns out all she needed was a microphone and the spotlight - not sure where she gets that from!
Kate is petrified of Santa this year (to the point where she cries and shakes from fear) so I haven't pushed her to sit on Santa's lap, but Mason did! I guess one of these days Kate will sit on Santa's lap with Mason, but I'm not going to attempt that this year.
A couple weeks ago, we bought a Elf on the Shelf. Kate named him Rudolph (not at all surprised because of her obsession this year) but Mommy calls him Rudy for short and Daddy calls him Rudy Tudy. Some mornings Kate remembers to look for him and other mornings she forgets, but either way she doesn't seem to be too interested in Rudy. Maybe next year...
This Christmas, Kate wrote down the items she wanted to ask Santa for: a Cinderella dress, dressy doll, a toy cat, a toy dog, a purse, and a Mickey. Some of these are news to Mommy and Daddy so we will see what Santa brings this year!

Putting on a show with Audrey's support and encouragement.  Out of the two of them, I thought Audrey would be the one to belt out a tune, but turns out it was Kate.
 Mason and Santa.

 Thank you Mrs. Tracy for taking most of these pictures - I really appreciate it!
Merry Christmas from the Evers!

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...