Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas (Cough, Cough)

Merry Christmas!  Our Christmas was very calm this year, mainly because the three of us were sick.  Kate was miserable the week before Christmas (we finally got some antibiotics and a breathing treatment for her) and unfortunately Justin and I both caught it.  Since we weren't able to go to Naples, we didn't get to spend much time with Justin's sister and her family but we still enjoyed the little bit of time we had.

 One of Kate's Christmas gifts from Mommy and Daddy was a new "big girl" car seat - forward facing!  Justin and I went back and forth about this (I wanted her to stay rear facing) but he ended up winning and of coarse, Kate loves it.  I can tell from her eyes that she didn't feel good.
 Christmas Eve, Katie's parents invited us over for a wonderful lasagna meal - umm!  I hope we didn't spread too many germs because Justin and I probably should have stayed at home, but that is depressing.  We had a great time despite not feeling well and Kate received an early gift from Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie - a car!  I think this is probably one of her favorites gifts she received this year.  We can't keep her out of it.

 Christmas morning, Kate opened a couple gifts from Mommy and Daddy and Santa.  She did a great job tearing the paper (with a little help from Daddy).  We gave her a glow worm and a cabbage patch baby (I had received as a shower gift) and then Santa left her plastic food and pots and pans for her kitchen (Audrey was sweet to give us her old kitchen) and a shopping cart to put all her food in.

 After our small Christmas, we went over to Gigi and Granddaddy's house to celebrate Christmas with my family.  My mom cooked a fabulous breakfast (one of my favorite things about Christmas) and then we opened presents with my parents, Uncle Jordan, Aunt Katie and Nanny.

 Silly Uncle Jordan!
 Before the day was over, we went over to Justin's parent's house to celebrate Christmas with them and enjoyed a wonderful steak dinner where my family joined us (another Christmas tradition I look forward to).
 Kate opening her gifts with her cousin Erin, Aunt Melanie, and Mimi.
 Aunt Melanie quickly became Kate's favorite person while she was here.
 After three Christmas celebrations, I had to take a couple pictures of all the things Kate received - my challenge now is to organize her room and our little living room and find a place for all the toys.  I think this is going to take up the majority of my New Year's weekend.

It's hard to see, but Mrs. Betsy gave Kate the Rudolph book and the stuffed Rudolph (along with a beautiful photo collage and a "Kate" shirt that I forgot to put in the picture until now).  The book has a button that plays the Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer song and Kate has been playing it constantly!  Thank you Mrs. Betsy for all the wonderful gifts - you are so sweet, as always!
 One last picture - Kate was in her car all bundled up ready to go for a ride this afternoon to the mailbox. I have Ms. Jaime to thank for the adorable vest - we have gotten so many comments on it and it's the perfect jacket for Kate.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

No Naples Trip

We had to cancel our trip down to Naples - Kate is still sick.  She has been running a fever since last Tuesday and now has a terrible cough and congestion, so we didn't want to risk spreading it to the grandparents.  I'm hoping this goes away soon so Kate will enjoy her second Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Saturday Fun

Justin spent the day duck hunting so it was just us girls on Saturday. Mimi and Papa watched Kate Saturday morning so I could finish up some errands and then we headed over to my parents house that evening. We were hoping to take Kate to see the Christmas lights at Dorothy B Oven Park but the weather wasn't cooperating. Gigi gave Kate an early Christmas gift, a blow up Santa Claus and Rudolph, which Kate preceded to line up in front of the Christmas tree with the other stuffed Christmas dolls.


And a quick shot of the last two Christmas Cards for our family - it's amazing to see how much Kate has changed.  Gigi also made magnets out of a couple ornaments Kate made at Mrs. Betsy's - aren't they adorable?  I really don't know how Mrs. Betsy does everything she does!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I know, I know

I know, I haven't been good about posting lately.  I haven't been good about taking pictures or video lately either - probably because everytime I went to take a picture or video, I realized the batteries needed charging, but I never charged them.  I'm going to do better.

  Here's the latest on our family:

1. We took family pictures at Maclay for our holiday card and here are some of the best:

I realize Kate's not looking, but I thought it was good of Justin and I.

2. After touring three preschools, we decided on Good Samaritan Academy!!  I went back last week to drop off our registration fee to secure Kate's spot, and I had a great feeling about her new school.  As much as I hate for her to leave Mrs. Betsy's, I'm excited for Kate to start this new adventure.  If all else fails, we will stay there three months and beg Mrs. Betsy to take us back. :) 

3. My little monkey is learning new things everyday.  When you ask her "What does Santa say?" she answers with "Ho, Ho, Ho".  When you ask "Kate, will you show me your teeth?" she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.  One of her favorite things to do is brush her teeth.  We try to do a quick brush and then she takes over. 

4.  We had a great Thanksgiving - I took one picture and then the camera died.  Shame on me.

5.  My brother has finally graduated college - horray for Uncle Jordan!  My parents brought their camera so hopefully they will share some of their pictures with me.  It's going to be a while before we will attend another FSU graduation - if Kate decides she wants to carry on the tradition (my grandfather, my dad, myself and my brother are all FSU grads). 

6. I am still at my current job.  I was offered both a new job at a different agency and a transfer within the same agency, but God made both of those decisions clear to me - "thanks, but no thanks".  So for the time being, I'm just going to stay put and keep my mind open to all possibilities.  He's got a plan for me, sometimes I'm just not sure where that road is going to lead.

7. I am now looking ahead to Christmas.  I've almost completed our Christmas shopping and Santa dropped off an early present for Kate - a new convertible carseat.  We are planning a quick trip down the Naples the week before Christmas and my sister-in-law and her family will be joining us for Christmas from Texas so it's going to be a busy holiday! 

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...