Saturday, April 19, 2014

18 Months Old!

Mason is 18 months old today and is growing too fast!  I had to reschedule his 18 month appointment, which isn't until next month, so it'll be a little bit before I will know his 18 month stats.  He is still in a size 4 diaper, size 5 shoes and size 18 or 24 month clothes.  He has 12 teeth (including 4 molars) and is still not really talking.  This past week I heard him say "star" in bible class and "cow" one day in the car but he hasn't repeated them since.

He is still a 100% mamma's boy and I love it (most of the time - ha).  Lately he seems to be getting worse and he refuses to go to Justin if I am around.  So rotten.  Mason still loves school and is excited every morning to walk in by himself and straight into his classroom like a big boy.  Mason has still not found a food he doesn't like and he will even eat things that neither Justin or I care for, like grape tomatoes.  Kate can still make him laugh louder than any one else and he has recently started to mimic her.  He puts on her bracelets and necklaces, wears her shoes and loves to play with her in her room any chance he can get.  
  I have a habit of taking off my shoes in the laundry room as soon as I get home.  As soon as I do, Mason comes wandering out with my shoes on.  Even the high heels.
 Mason loves his Uncle Jordan and cousin Camden.  Kate doesn't pay Camden much attention but Mason loves to get down on the floor with him and gently pat his head.  So sweet.
 One of the terrible falls Mason has had in his short life and one of the worst bruises he has ever gotten.  Justin and I are a little concerned about how many times he has fallen and hit his head but doctor says he'll be fine.  Kate never fell as often or as hard as Mason does.  This particular morning he took a nose dive into the corner of the door jam.  I felt so bad since I was right there with him and couldn't stop it from happening.  Poor fellow.
 This is one of Mason's new faces.  I get this reaction when I ask him if he wants another bite and the answer is "yes".  So goofy.
Most of the time Mason is a very happy boy.  But, there are plenty of times where he will follow me around the house whining until I pick him up. 
 Excited to show me his Easter buckets.
I debated about posting this picture - but I feel like it captures Mason being all boy.  Sound asleep with his hand down his diaper.  Gross!
 Sunglasses are one of Mason's favorite things right now.  I think he's so adorable in them but hopefully the Easter bunny will bring him a manly pair that aren't purple or pink!

One of the best pictures Mason has ever taken for me.  Can you believe that big smile?!

On Friday, daycare was closed so I took off of work.  Kate went to Nanny's for the day so I took Mason to JCPenny for his 18 month pictures.  I debated about doing them since we've had so many pictures taken lately (for different reasons) but I didn't want to regret not doing them so I made an appointment.  Plus, I get pictures for such a great deal - my total this time was $2.12.  Can't beat that!  The only downside to going Friday was the crowd - everyone was there getting their Easter pictures done.  
My handsome boy. 

 This one is my favorite:
Happy 18 month birthday big boy!


Betsy said...

My boys = hands down diaper/pants ALL the time!

The Mundies said...

How in the world is Mason 18 months already?? He and Miller will be dating before you know it. ;)

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...