Monday, August 1, 2011

Sapp/Crews Family Reunion 2011

This weekend, I "twisted" the arms of Justin, Mimi and Papa to go to the Crews/Sapp family reunion.  The real reason I wanted to go was to see Justin's grandmother, Gaga, and his Aunt Linda.  We haven't been down to Naples since April and since it's going to be Christmas before we can visit again, I wanted to take advantage of the short drive and visit Gaga and Aunt Linda.  Gaga called us Wednesday night and asked if we would be interested in meeting them in Lake City, FL Saturday night and then going to the reunion Sunday in Lake Butler, FL.  I immediately said yes and Justin reluntantly agreed.  I'm not sure if any of the Evers will ever say it, but I think they are glad we went.  I know I am and Gaga was beaming at the family reunion, showing Kate off to her extended family.  Although Gaga married into the family, I think it's sweet she still attends every year, even though Grandaddy passed away several years ago. 

I wasn't sure how Kate would react to Gaga and Aunt Linda but I was so happy that she acted like she sees them every week. Immediately, Kate kept repeating "My Gaga" and was so excited when Gaga rode with us to dinner and sat by her. On the way back from dinner, Gaga had to run an errand and while the rest of us were waiting in the car, Kate kept asking me "Where my Gaga?" over and over again until Gaga returned. I hope they enjoyed the trip as much as I did!

Kate's new favorite ride - the luggage cart.

All the girls - Me, Kate, Gaga, Aunt Linda and Mimi

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...