Monday, July 11, 2011

Mini Vacation

The three of us have just gotten back from a mini vacation in Destin!  One of my favorite places, but then again I haven't been to that many places.  Once a year, Justin's friends from Tennessee, Mike and Vickie Clayton and their daughter Taylor, come down to Destin for a work conference.  We love being able to spend time with them and catch up on everything that has been going on.  Justin was able to see the Clayton family last October in Gaitlinburg but I was not able to go because of work.  It has been a couple years since I have seen them, so this trip was long overdue for me.

We left Saturday morning and I convinced Justin to take Kate and I to the beach before we checked into the hotel.  Our normal beach spot was closed so it took us several minutes to find another beach access place that wasn't going to be too crowded (haha).  We ended up at Topsail Hill State Park, which was nice, but we had to take a tram to the beach which only ran once an hour.  I was a little uneasy about the once an hour ride, but it worked out.  

We learned that Kate does not like the beach.  Anytime sand got on her she started wailing and wanted us to wipe it off immediately.  She also hated the waves and there was seaweed everywhere, which didn't help.  When Justin set up the umbrella, he was missing a piece of the pole, but thankfully Kate was able to stay in the shade.  I managed to rock Kate to sleep (so rotten!) and she ended up a taking a decent nap on the beach.   Justin and I both got burnt, even though we put on sunscreen, but that was better than Kate getting burned. To sum it up, it was an awful trip to the beach. 

Lucky for Justin and I, the rest of the trip went great.  Thankfully, Kate was well behaved the entire weekend. We met the Clayton family for dinner on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon we hung out with them at their condo and then grabbed dinner together again.  I'm so glad we were able to go to Destin - I always look for a reason to go!

 The View

 The seaweed - gross.  Despite that, the location was nice because there weren't a lot of people there.

Waiting on the tram, eating Craisins (one of her favorites).

Kate and Mr. Mike

Kate and Mrs. Vickie

The family. 
I'm sad the weekend is over, but hopefully there will be another trip in my future!

Next weekend - My ten year high school reunion (yikes!).

1 comment:

Betsy said...

Rebecca-the line "To sum it up, it was an awful trip to the beach" made me literally laugh out loud. You are too much! Hoping to see you (and Kate) soon.

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...