After church, we ran home to feed Kate her lunch (cereal and a bottle) and opened her Easter bag from Gigi and Granddaddy. She got a new stuffed kitty cat blanket with her name embroidered on it, an Easter Hello Ms. Kitty, two Easter Little People toys, a new teething ring, an outfit and a swimsuit cover. A sweet lady at church, Mrs. Marilyn, also gave Kate some bibs. 
We then quickly packed some of Kate's new toys and headed to the University Club for Easter lunch. We were invited by Katie's family (Jordan's girlfriend) to join them and it was fabulous! The food was excellent and Kate even got to see the Easter Bunny for the first time and loved him. She immediately grabbed his face and wiskers and just grinned (I expected her to cry but was pleasently surprised).
Sitting in the high chair like a big girl.
Kate with Jordan and Katie.
Kate with the Easter Bunny for the first time (I completely forgot to take her to the mall to get her picture taken - thank goodness he was at lunch!)
Kate did great considering she only took a 20 minute nap the entire day...she immediately feel asleep in the car on the way home. Once we got home, I remembered to check the mail (sometimes I'm terrible about that) and read her Easter card from Nene and Pa and opened the gift Uncle Even, Aunt Melanie, Erin and Ryan sent her - her first big girl bible with her name on it. I love it! 
Thank you everyone for a WONDERFUL Easter!
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