Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mason's 18 Month Checkup

I took Mason for his 18 month check up this afternoon and he got a great report.  In fact, the doctor said he was "perfect".  Justin and I are so blessed to have two healthy kids! Mason was so well behaved and even did great despite the fact that he had to get two shots.  Luckily, he won't have to get shots again until his 5 year checkup.  Woo hoo!

18 Month Stats
Height: 31.5 inches - 20th percentile
Weight: 25 lbs, 5 oz - 30th percentile
Head Circumference: 48.3 cm - 55th percentile

I was a little surprised to find out that Mason is the same height as Kate was at 18 months, but weighs slightly more than she did.  He looks so chunky, but compared to other kids his age he's on the smaller side.  Still perfect in my eyes!

 Me and little man.
 Like usual, Mason has two scraped knees along with a bruise and cut on his forehead where a toy fell on him as he was trying to get it down.  He is without a doubt all boy.
 When Mason heard the word "shots" he immediately decided to get dressed and bail on his appointment.
 I had to take a picture of his cute little outfit. 
 Mason loves to show off that belly.

I always enjoy reading the "Normal Development" paper at each appointment and Mason is doing great in most of the milestones.

1. Speak 3-50 words - Mason still has a limited number of words but the list is slowly growing: Mommy, Daddy, Uh-Oh, Thank You, Cow, Star, More and Car.

2. Begins eating with a fork.  Check! Mason always motions for a fork if I forget to give him one when we sit down for dinner.  He also makes sure whatever food is on our plates is on his also.

3. Runs awkwardly and falls a lot.  Definitely - especially the falling part!

4. May show strong attachment to toy or blanket.  Not really.  Mason has never really been attached to anything except his thumb. 

5.  Likes to show some independence (feeds self, getting dressed).  Yes - Mason has gotten good at helping me get him dressed and even tries to put his shoes on by himself (usually on the wrong foot).  

My little 18 month old is getting too big too fast!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...