Wednesday, February 27, 2013

4 Month Checkup

We went Tuesday morning for Mason's 4 month appointment.  He got a great report and was very happy during the appointment.  The only time he got upset was when he got his shots, but he quickly quit crying once we picked him up.  Nothing was said about the torticollis, but we didn't see Dr. Elzie at this appointment, so I'll have to remember to ask about that at his six month appointment.  I think Mason is doing much better, although he still leans his head slightly to the left.

Here are his stats at 4 months old:

Head Circumference: 42.5cm, 60th percentile

Height: 25 1/4 inches, 70th percentile

Weight: 15 lbs 1 oz, 60th percentile

 One of the only pictures I have of Mason in his car seat - happy!  It only lasted a minute or two and then he demanded to be taken out.
 Waiting on the doctor.
At four months old, Mason is starting to really enjoy the exersaucer.  I'm surprised at how well he can spin it around and "play" with all the toys.  He enjoys watching Kate from this view. 

 Big boy!

 My sweet boy is mainly in six month clothes although he can wear a few three month outfits (pants and a few fleece sleepers).  He is still wearing a size two diaper but really needs to be moved up to a three but I'm trying to use up all the size two diapers we have.  He is still taking acid reflux medicine twice a day although we haven't felt a need to increase the dosage so I guess that's a good sign.  The doctor said once he starts solid foods he probably won't need the medicine anymore.
 Mason also does good holding his head up while on his tummy.  I usually find him like this before and after his naps.  Such a happy boy.

 I think he looks more like me in this picture.

Mason is sleeping great and has gotten on a pretty consistent routine as far as bedtime.  He usually goes to sleep between 7 and 7:30 at night and will sleep until 6, sometimes 6:30am.  No complaints here!  During the day he prefers to take three naps.  Usually one good morning nap (9-11:30 or so) and then an afternoon nap (1:30/2:00-3:30) and a short cat nap around 5:30 for about 30 minutes or so. 
 Mason is also an official thumb sucker.  I have tried to get him to take a pacifier over and over but he refuses.  It's sweet at this age, but I'm concerned about how long this phase might last.  I can easily take away a pacifier, but not a thumb!
  Happy 4 month birthday Mason!


Ashleigh-Anne: said...

He just gets cuter and cuter! I think he looks a lot like your Dad, but I also see you.....and of course Justin! :)

Tracy said...

I just love that sweet boy! I feel guilty taking him from Gigi at church, but I may have to soon :)

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...