Saturday, January 19, 2013

3 Months Old!

Today is January 19th which means Mason is 3 months old!  He has started to laugh out loud occasionally and "talk" to me on a regular basis.  I love his precious smiles.  He still loves bath time and being held as much as possible.  He has become more content on the floor or playing in his bouncy seat, although it's not for as long as I would like.  I have recently discovered he likes to sit in the stroller or hang in the carrier, so we try to take walks up and down the street or be in the backyard if the weather is nice.  
Sleeping is still my biggest challenge with Mason and I think it's related to our lack of a schedule.  I can't figure out a good routine for the day.  I am trying to transition him to a long(er) morning nap and afternoon nap (each about 2 hours) and one short nap (an hour or so) in the early evening but I'm not sure if he is ready for that or not.  Some days he does three naps, but then other days he seems to require more frequent, shorter naps.  Either way, he's not sleeping through the night like I think he should be.  Although I'm not feeding him at night, he is consistently waking up at least once during the night, if not twice. Usually at 4 am and maybe again at 5am he cries briefly, but will put himself back to sleep.  It makes me question if he is getting enough to eat during the day or if it's a different issue since he will go back to sleep another hour or so.  It's so hard to know what is going on at this age!
My goal is to get a routine established before going back to work, but I remember with Kate that didn't happen until I went back to work.  I'm planning on getting the daycare schedule and trying to get him adjusted to that so either way, if he goes to daycare or if Justin keeps him, his schedule will be predictable.
At three months he has already run a mild fever and had his first bout with congestion. For several days, his temperature stayed right at 100 so I refrained from medicine and instead tried to keep his nasal passage clear with saline drops and the nose bulb sucker. These past couple days he has been fever free and happy as always. Now if I can just get him to sleep without a peep at night!
 Playing on the surf mat.

 Loving the stroller!

Happy 3 Month Birthday Mason!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...