Monday, November 26, 2012

1 Month Appointment

Today was Mason's one month checkup.  Thankfully there were no shots at this appointment, but there will be at his two month and four month checkups. We had a great conversation with Dr. Elzie where I asked about his bad sleeping habits, but unfortunately there's not much I can do since he's still so little.  It is so tiring that Mason will fall asleep on one of us and then wake up as soon as we put him down, but he doesn't have the capability to self sooth right now so "crying it out" isn't an option until he's about four months old or so.  That seems like an eternity from now, but hopefully the nights will get a little easier before then.  On the bright (and blessed) side, we have a healthy baby boy!
Here are Mason's stats from his appointment - I had guessed he would be in the upper percentiles, but I'm a little sad about how big he is already.
Head Circumference: 38.2cm, 50th percentile
Height: 22.5 inches, 75th percentile
Weight: 11 lbs 10 oz, 95th percentile (wow!)

 Waiting at the doctor - he was a perfect angel.
My chunky monkey.
I need a shirt for Mason that says "large and in charge".

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...