Kate looked too cute Wednesday night in her giraffe pajamas while chewing on her giraffe. I have a new bedtime routine at church on Wednesday nights. Since church is from 7-8 and Kate's bedtime is 8, we take her pajamas to church and I feed her/change her during her bible class (which works out since she's the only baby there) and we're ready for bed when it's time to leave church!
We want to teach Kate the importance of going to church and set a good example for her - which is a stuggle sometimes when I spend more time in the foyer/nursery with her, rather than in service/bible class, but I remind myself it's just a phase and it will get better the older she gets. Actually, it's more important for me that I don't develop excuses not to go, because once that routine is established, I'll ALWAYS have an excuse.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Daddy's Back Early!
I'm glad it's Friday! Kate and I have had a good time spending the week with my parents while Justin was out of town for work, but we're glad to be back home (early!). Justin left Monday morning and was suppose to be gone for up to 10 days, but they got the job done in just 4 days and he made it back home last night.
I was ready for a good night's sleep - not because I missed my bed, but because I was ready for Kate to be in her bed - downstairs! At my parent's house, her room is right beside the room I stay in and I have discovered that Kate "talks" in her sleep - not suprising since her daddy does too - but a little agervating since I wake up at the slightest noise she makes. At home, I have become dependant on a noise maker to drown out Kate and her daddy at night!
I was ready for a good night's sleep - not because I missed my bed, but because I was ready for Kate to be in her bed - downstairs! At my parent's house, her room is right beside the room I stay in and I have discovered that Kate "talks" in her sleep - not suprising since her daddy does too - but a little agervating since I wake up at the slightest noise she makes. At home, I have become dependant on a noise maker to drown out Kate and her daddy at night!
6 Month Appointment
Kate did great for Dr. Elzie on Monday at her 6 month appointment. As long as she had Sophie the giraffe to chew on, she was a happy baby. Here are her stats:
Height - 24.5 inches (10 percentile)
Weight - 13 lbs, 7 oz (15th percentile)
Head Circumference - 41.1 cm (25th percentile)
Height - 24.5 inches (10 percentile)
Weight - 13 lbs, 7 oz (15th percentile)
Head Circumference - 41.1 cm (25th percentile)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
First Solid Food
Last night, we gave Kate her first taste of cereal and this was her reaction:
As soon as she spit the cereal out, she would go back to smiling or reaching for the spoon. It was more of a game to her, but we're going to try again tonight. Tomorrow we go to the doctor for her 6 month appointment (Gigi is going with us to this appointment since Daddy is leaving to go out of town for work).
Friday, March 19, 2010
Family Pictures
Sunday afternoon Justin, Kate and I met Betsy at Dorothy B Oven park to take some family pictures. We hadn't had any professional family pictures done since Kate was born and I am so pleased with how they turned out - although Kate made it difficult to get some smiles out of her. Here are some of my favorites!
Kate's hair sticks straight up right now!
We all have our moments...
Thanks again Betsy, we love them!
6 Months Old!
Wednesday Kate was 6 months old and I have no idea where the time has gone. Since Sunday she has started to sit up for longer periods at a time and she loves playing in her exersaucer (thanks Erin and Mrs. Harbison!). I think she is going to skip rolling over altogether since she perfers to sit up now. The next thing on the list for Kate to try is solid food, which I think we're going to do Saturday for the first time. Her 6 month appointment is Monday afternoon - I never thought going to the dr would be exciting but I love knowing how much she has grown and where she falls on the growth chart.
Although Kate was 6 months on St. Patrick's Day, I put her in the cupcake outfit to represent her half birthday (but there were green polka dots on her sleeves so she didn't get pinched)!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
More bathtime photos
Daddy was at a softball game Monday night so Kate and I had a photo shoot while she was in her bathtub (and a longer bath than normal). Recently, she loves to play with her penguin while she's in the tub.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Fun at the Park
Saturday was a gorgeous day, weather wise. That morning I went to a baby shower brunch for my friend Amanda (she's expecting a little boy, Nolan, in three weeks) and when I got home around 11:30, I packed a picnic lunch and Justin, Kate and I headed to Tom Brown Park. Kate got to wear her new sunglasses (found them for $1 at Target!) and worked on sitting up - it won't be too much longer and she'll be a pro. Can't wait for spring to get here with slightly warmer weather.

Kate says - "Do these glasses make my cheeks look big?"
That night Justin and I had a date night. We went to dinner at TGI Fridays and then went to see Valentine's Day at AMC and since we used giftcards at both places - it was a free date night, the best kind!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sleeping like her daddy
Kate has started sleeping with just a blanket for naps and bedtime. One morning, Justin found the swaddle wrap up around her neck so we quit swaddling her. She has done really good sleeping un-swaddled and as long as she has her blanket and a pacifier she seems content. Tonight, when I went in to check on her, this is what I saw. It makes my neck hurt just looking at the picture.
There's no denying she is Justin's child. He is the weirdest sleeper. Me - I am a back sleeper. I lay my arms over my stomach and never move all night - except to push an arm or leg off of me. Justin on the other hand is an "all over the place" sleeper. He will sleep with his legs in the indian style position; he will sleep with his feet flat on the mattress and knees up in the air; he talks in his sleep and flips and flops all night long. He said when I haven't been there, he has woken up with his head at the footboard. There have been several nights I get up in the middle of the night and have to tuck the sheet back under the mattress. It's like sleeping beside a fish out of water. I have no idea how he feels rested after completing such a workout.
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Happy Father's Day!
I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day! One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad. He coac...

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