Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013 and a side of Pneumonia

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year although it was different than usual.  This week has been rough for Mason.  On Monday, he woke up with a fever at daycare so he went home early.  On Tuesday afternoon, his temperature jumped up to 105.5 which is the highest it has ever been for either one of our kids.  It scared us, but after we gave him Motrin and put him in a cool bath, his temperature went down to 103 and then stayed around 101, so we just monitored him the rest of the night. I thought he just had a virus, but once again on Wednesday afternoon his fever jumped up to 104.5 so we immediately went to CHP Urgent Care.  They diagnosed him with Pneumonia, gave him a shot of antibiotics and sent us home with another prescription of antibiotics.  Most of our week has been spent holding and rocking Mason during the day and night.  We are all ready for him to feel better!

Cousin Camden has also been sick this week with congestion and an ear infection so we didn't get to see him yesterday.  Mimi and Papa were out of town too, so we had a very quiet Thanksgiving this year at my parent's house.  We enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie, my parents and Nanny.  It was fantastic as always - turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese, collard greens, field peas, gravy, cranberry sauce and crescent rolls.  Yummy! My mom did a wonderful job preparing our Thanksgiving feast - thank you!


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...