Saturday, March 23, 2013

5 Months Old

Mason just turned 5 months old! Some of his favorite things to do are playing in the exersaucer, sitting in the  bouncy chair, hanging out in the Baby Bjorn, and playing on the floor mat (either on his tummy for a short period of time or on his back for longer periods).  He loves holding play links and chewing on them and has gotten better about holding toys and bringing them up to his mouth.  He is still taking his reflux medicine twice a day and is mainly on formula now.  Since I have gone back to work, I can't keep up with his demand by pumping, so I just feed him once in the morning when he gets up and once before he goes to bed at night.  He drools all the time and now wears a bib all day, except for when he's in the car or sleeping.  The bib helps limit the number of outfit changes he has a day.

Justin has gotten him on a good routine although it's still not as consistent as we would like it to be.  Generally, he takes a two hour nap in the morning and a two hour nap in the afternoon.  We try to put him down for the night around 7:30pm and he gets up between 6 and 6:30am.  Some nights he will sleep all night long and other nights he wakes up sometime between 3 and 4.  In the past, he would talk and fall back asleep, but lately he wakes up, rolls on his back, and then squeals with excitement until that wears off and he cries.  Justin calls him a turtle because once he rolls over on his back in the middle of the night, he can't roll back on his tummy and starts crying and flailing his arms in frustration.  This phase is so aggervating!  There's no reason he can't sleep on his back, but he won't.  And either way, I'm awake for around an hour listening to him play, cry and settle back down.  Some nights I just get up and feed him, which usually means he will go right back to sleep.  I don't want to create a bad habit, but at the same time I have got to get some sleep now that I'm back at work.

I love this sweet little boy and he gets more and more interactive the older he gets.  Kate can get him to laugh out loud just by talking to him and he loves to watch her every move.  He has gotten a lot better riding the car and now he will play with his toys more and cry less.  He still has his moments, but they are nothing like they used to be.  Hallelujah. 

Here are some pictures of my big boy at 5 months old!

 Mason has found his toes and loves to play with them.

 Mason tries hard to sit up, but he's not quite there yet - one day soon!

 Love you handsome boy!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...