Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Mason - Four Years Old

Mason is 4!!

My baby is four years old and it's about time for an update!  Mason is one of the sweetest boys.  He loves to give compliments such as "Mommy, you're so pretty" or "Mommy, I love your dress."  He is usually one of the first ones to greet me in the evenings when I come home from work with a big hug and kiss.  

Mason loves school, playing with his friends and adores his two teachers, Ms. Gwen and Ms. Latisha.  Granddaddy takes him to school every morning and Mason enjoys that quality time when it's just him and my dad.  On Fridays, they have a special day called "Pancake Friday" where my dad stops on the way to school and buys pancakes, bacon and orange juice at McDonalds.  Once they arrive at school, my dad sets Mason up at a table with a feast fit for a king.
Fall 2016 Picture
  Spring 2017 Pictures 
(Mason did retakes because of his Ninja Turtle shirt-haha)

The age of four has been challenging in one particular way: crying episodes.  I remember Kate being very emotional when she was four and I think it is something that Mason will out grow soon (at least I hope so).  Sometimes without warning he will burst into tears when he is upset instead of telling us what is bothering him.  Little things such as he's hungry, or can't get a shirt on/off, or missing a toy.  Things he should be able to come talk to us about instead of his first reaction being to cry. One of his emotional developmental milestones for four is "occasionally reverting to baby behavior". I would put this in that category. Check! 

Another challenge we have is that Mason still sucks his thumb.  Some days is more than others and he almost always does it when he's tired or nervous.  We try to remind him to take his thumb out of his mouth without making a big deal about it but I hope this bad habit will stop by the time he's five.  We can't have a thumb sucker in Kindergarten!

Mason has his silly moments and he makes us laugh on a daily basis.  I love hearing him talk and anytime he smiles it will cheer me up.  He is the best snuggler and some of the sweetest moments are when we cuddle together on the couch. Mason enjoys helping around the house and is always eager to let Kate read to him.  He loves to play outside and enjoys helping daddy in the yard or around the house.  Mason also loves going with Daddy and doing "guy stuff" (as they call it) - going to Lowes, Bass Pro, Academy Sports or to get haircuts.  It's their special time together.  Mason also adores his youngest cousin, Cooper.  He likes to play with Cooper by talking to him, handing him toys, and giving him attention for as long as Cooper wants it. 

Some of Mason's favorite toys are Rescuebots, Matchbox cars or Hot Wheels, trains, his tools and tool bench and he started to get interested in super heroes (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, etc).  He enjoys riding his bike, scooter, or driving the Gator around the yard.  This will also be Mason's first year playing T-Ball (his request).  Uncle Jordan and Justin are the coaches this year and Camden is also on the team so it's going to be a fun season! I'm very excited.  

Mason goes to bed at 7:30pm each night and is our early morning riser each day, usually around 6 or 6:30am.  On Saturday and Sunday mornings, he is the first one up and will go out to the living room and turn on the TV without waking anyone up (as long as we preset the TV the night before).  It's so nice that the kids are getting old enough to be more independent. Mason is still our best eater but he has recently been refusing to eat Chick-fil-a and pizza.  It's alarming to Kate and I, but hopefully this phase will pass soon. :)

Here are his stats from his four year old checkup:
Height: 37 3/4 inches (10th percentile)
Weight: 34.6 lbs (50th percentile)

Here are some cute pictures of our big FOUR year old!
He loves tractors and trucks!

This tailgate is special to me because it reminds me of the truck Justin drove in high school. I thought it was neat to have a picture of Mason taken with it. 

Our handsome little man!

Photo credit goes to Amber Brogdon.

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Happy Father's Day!

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