Thursday, December 6, 2012

Winter Festival 2012

Saturday night we enjoyed another Tallahassee Winter Festival parade from the wonderful view at the Tennyson.  Once you see the parade from that spot, it's hard to ever go back down on the street with the crowds. 
This year my parents, Uncle Jordan, us all enjoyed the parade and Kate was lucky to have Audrey and Mr. Raymond join us too! The girls were beside themselves with excitement and there's not too many pictures to share because Kate kept putting her hand up and telling us "I'm trying to watch the parade!". I guess she was tired of her personal paparazzi constantly asking her to turn away from the parade and smile.

Little girls in their fashionable glitter boots - too cute!  They were glued to the balcony during the parade.

Love this picture since it captured Audrey personality and Kate looks confused.

Mason enjoyed being held almost the entire time during the parade.  He hung out with Uncle Jordan and Granddaddy inside (watching football).
We are looking foward to many more Christmas activities in the next several weeks!

1 comment:

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...