Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Summer Catch Up!

This year I have struggled to keep up to date with everything we have been involved in.  I still want to share (mainly so I have something to look back on) so this is going to be a long and random post!
In mid-June, we threw a baby shower for one of my co-worker's, Kim.  She was expecting a little baby boy and had him on July 5th. This was one of the cutest showers we have done since I've been working at Revenue so I had to take pictures.  I have developed some great relationships with some of the girls in the office which I'm so thankful for since you naturally spend a lot of time with people you work with.  There are some things that are worth more to me than a higher paycheck and great co-workers is one of them!
The jungle themed shower (Kim adores monkeys):

 Our co-worker Jenn made the cake and organized all the decorating:
 This was my first time being involved with creating palm tree balloons...not too bad (but a TON of work)!
 Jenn added little money balloon animals after I took the picture above. 
  Kim and her husband, Shaun:
 The hostesses:
From left to right: Marleni, me, Kim, Brittany and Jenn
We've been lucky to go to the Southwood pool a couple times so far this summer. 
 When I take the kids by myself and try to relax...
That picture says it all.
One afternoon we were over at my parent's house and I checked on Mason while he was sleeping.  This picture is "all boy" except for the cabbage patch doll.  He was obsessed with her the entire afternoon. 
 My little stud muffin: 
 My little "baby burrito":
One afternoon we saw a rainbow on the way home from school.  The kids were so excited that we had to stop and admire it for a few minutes.  I love that they remind me to appreciate the simple things in life.  Kate begged for us to drive to the end of it and get the gold.  I told her I wish we could.  One morning while I was running before work, there was a double rainbow in the sky.  From the direction I was facing, it looked like it ended right at Revenue, which made me smile since it could technically be a "pot of gold".
 A couple pictures from the last day of school.  My babies have grown up so fast! 

And for comparison, the first day of school picture:
Mason has grown so much in the last year!
Recently, Kate has really become interested in arts and crafts projects.  One rainy afternoon, we stopped by Hobby Lobby and she picked out this rainbow pillow.  She did a great job putting it together with little help from me. 

This is the second arts and craft kit we bought.  I didn't read closely that the box says for 8 years and up.  Guess who the lucky girl is who gets to create these key chains?  And there's 10 total.  
This bunny rabbit was about to be the death of me...45 minutes later I'd say it was successful. Whew.  Only 9 more to go. 
I have to share a couple of Kate's pictures lately:
Kate says this is her in a "coconut boobie-bra".  She asks me often when she will get to wear a "boobie-bra" and she has already told me she wants a pink one.  Never thought she would be so interested in bras at the tender age of 5.
This next picture was the name tags she drew in church the other Sunday.  The first one is Mason's nametag - he and Kate are smiling and holding hands with a heart above them.  The bottom one is my nametag.  I guess the picture says it all.  Poor mommy. 
 Kate and Emily in bible class making cookies:
 While the cookies were baking, they made cards for Mrs. Evelyn who is currently battling cancer.  I was so proud of the card Kate drew and her hand writing that I had to take a picture of it.
 And because I don't want Mason to feel left out, here's one of his latest papers from school: 
I love that Mason's teacher's write what he says about his artwork on his papers.  I can hear him saying these things...

 The caption says "It's orange and it's a doggie". Or a fish. Haha. 
Love his creativity!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...