Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Updates at 4.5 and 1.5 Years Old

There are several things about the kids at this stage that I want to remember (and maybe some that I don’t!) but I know if I don't write them down I'll forget!
Recently, Mason has started to say a few more words and communicate more effectively. There is still a lot of crying and winning at times, but in the last two weeks he has started shaking his head yes or no which has been such a big help in understanding what he wants. I’m still surprised he doesn't say either of those words, but the head shake works for me. He has also started to say “car” and “oh” and a few two word sentences such as “dada car” when he sees the truck in the driveway or “that mama” when he sees a picture of me.  Mason also knows all of his body parts and can even say "eyes".  If you ask him where his belly, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, feet, etc are he will point to them!
Mason also likes to stick his tongue out and spit at us if we tell him “no”. Even when we say “Mason, that’s not nice” he’ll just look you square in the eye and do it again. So rotten. Most of the time we have to turn away to hide our laughter because seeing him act that way is adorable and naughty all at the same time.
Mason is really becoming Mr. Independent in certain ways. He has started to pick out his shoes each morning and mainly sticks with crocs (which he can put on by himself) and his tennis shoes. Around the house, his shoe preference is either Kate’s princess heels or my high heeled work shoes. He clomps all over the house and grins anytime he passes one of us. So goofy. 

Another one of Mason’s favorite things to play with are Kate’s necklaces. One Sunday morning, he was insistent one wearing a purple necklace to church. It’s one of those battles we chose not to fight so Mason sported the purple necklace all during church and out to eat afterwards.   
Real men wear purple bead necklaces.
Mason has also started to smile for the camera – shocking! He has to be in the mood, but I love that forced little grin he has recently started giving me.

 All boy.  He loves to suck on that lizard's head.  So odd.
At school, Mason is adjusting well to his new class. He loves music class, dancing, playing outside on the toddler playground, splash days and pizza day. There have been a few mornings that Mason starts crying and following me out when I leave for work but the teachers are quick to scoop him up. On those days, his teachers let him go into the baby room to calm down – I think it’s his happy place.
Mason's first splash day at GSA.

Ms. Kate is continuing to be a wonderful big sister. She still doesn't pay Mason too much attention, but occasionally she will play with him in her room or let him hug her (very briefly). She's usually a good sport about sharing her toys and Mason loves to play with her.

First time at Chuck E Cheese (and might have been our last)

I have discovered that Kate still has a fear of anything in a costume.  She screamed "I don't like that mouse" and cried when we saw Chuck E Cheese at a recent birthday party.  We can add him to the growing list of things Kate is afraid of which includes Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Chick-fil-a Cow, and Shamu.

Kate has got the best personality when she lets it shine through.  Her teacher's brag on how well she is doing in school and she has recently started using the computer in her classroom.  One day on the way home from school she told me she was playing on the computer (I had no clue her class had a computer - but it is a VPK class, duh mommy!).  When I asked her what she did on the computer, she told me she was on the "pbskids.org"site.  Wow.  
One quirky thing Kate does is call most of her friends a nickname such as: Quinny (her friend Quinn), Ster Ster (her friend Sterling), and Masie or Cheeto (not sure how she came up with that one) for Mason. In addition to nick naming her friends, she often draws pictures of them and our family.  These are some of my favorite pictures: 
 Quinn, Kate and Sterling (and a babydoll to the far right).
Kate told me this was "Rainbow of Friends" - a picture of her and "the girl Peyton".
 A jellyfish.
 A rainbow.
A dog.

And my absolute favorite picture to date (that I'm going to frame):
Our family portrait.  
I love that Justin and I are holding hands.  I can't get enough of this picture!

Every time we say good night or good bye, there’s a routine Kate does with us: first it’s a kiss, then a nuzzle kiss (rub noses together), then a hug and blowing kisses at each other. It’s so sweet and one of my favorite things about our bedtime/goodbye routine. And Kate announces when it’s time for the next item in the series. So cute.  What is not-so-cute is the daily temper tantrum that is guaranteed to occur when it's time to brush her hair each morning. It’s so tiring listening to her scream and cry while pulling her head away from me every single morning. She only wants me to use a certain comb, use plenty of detangling spray without getting it on her shoulders/arm/face and brush her hair without pulling at a single tangle. Oh. My. Goodness. Despite this ordeal every day, she begs me to keep her hair long “like a princess”. Why?!
As much fun as Kate can be, the age of four is the biggest parenting challenge we have faced so far. I keep praying it will get better soon and maybe something miraculous will happen at the age of five. Thankfully, she seems to be well behaved for everyone but Justin and I so maybe there's hope. 

My beautiful girl.

I thank God every day for these wonderful kids.  Even on our challenging days, my life would be so empty without them.  Love you, Kate and Mason!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Rebecca, that smile is so cute! He looks like he has just grownup over night.

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...