Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kate's New Chore Chart

We have had a difficult time lately with Kate and temper-tantrums.  Something simple like eating another bite of dinner, brushing her hair or even putting chap stick on her lips can quickly escalate out of control.  No amount of spankings, talking to her, threatening, or time out seem to work.  Most of the time she ends up screaming and crying for up to 20 minutes while we ignore her until she calms down.  I just thought the two and three years were challenging.  These spells don't happen all the time, but when they do - watch out. an attempt to try something new, Gigi suggested we try a chore chart.  The goal is for Kate to get check marks every day in order to earn a toy (or special treat) at the end of the week.  Her chores are: get dressed, make her bed, brush teeth, pick up toys, help mom or dad (aka be a good girl), good report at school (sticker says parent's choice) and eat her dinner (we added that sticker later).   

Kate has been very excited about it but our first morning we failed miserably with not one, but two mega temper-tantrums before we even left for school.  Mornings like those suck every ounce of my energy.  I decided I wouldn't immediately tell her she lost her toy privilege because what would be her incentive for the rest of the week?  I recorded a small part of her temper-tantrum that morning and played it back for her on the way to school which upset her, but I think I got my point across.  Since Monday, the rest of the week has gone more smoothly so I hope this continues!


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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...