Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tough Thursday

I have to vent - Thursday was not the best day. We went to the neurologist to get Justin’s tests results: abnormal brain waves = no driving for 6 months (bad news). The good news is that we have one month down, five more to go. I was prepared for that news, but I was not prepared for what I found when we left the doctor’s office. Someone hit my car and scrapped/dented it up pretty good. My poor car has already been hit two other times this year, all of them being hit and runs. I’m so frustrated – why would someone do that and not leave a note? I’ll tell you why: they are embarrassed or just don’t care.

I do have to confess a time when I just didn’t care. I did a hit and run once at FSU. For those of you that attended FSU, you know what a sparse commodity a parking spot was. Students were hunted down and followed to their car in the hopes of getting their parking spot. I am not exaggerating when I say I have spent hours searching and waiting for parking spaces. One afternoon, this person was parked crooked and as I was trying to squeeze my car in the spot, I hit their side view mirror. I immediately left and justified my actions by saying they shouldn’t have been so rude and taken up two parking spaces - they deserved it. I still stand by my actions, but Justin says this has been my payback. He might be right.

I should be grateful that we have a little extra money in savings to make these repairs – but who wants to spend their hard earned money on repairs, especially when you didn’t cause them? I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I look like a crazy driver. I’ve already gotten a couple recommendations for repair shops, I’m just hoping they are quick and the repair costs are reasonable. On the bright side, I don’t have to go without a vehicle since Justin’s truck is sitting in our driveway, asking to be driven.

Everything happens for a reason. We are very fortunate that this seizure has occurred at this time in our lives. I have plenty of help from friends and family and with Justin’s work situation, I only need to take him to work or pick him up a couple times a week, if that. I believe God challenges us on different levels, at different times in our lives, to mold us into better individuals. One of the things He is currently challenging me with is to be a little more flexible. I’m a planner and do not like to change my plans on a whim, but I think I’m slowly learning to “go with the flow”.

Maybe the 6 month driving suspension is God’s sign to me to stay part time until Justin can drive??? That’s the assumption I’m going to operate under – unless I get another sign (i.e. Justin not bringing in a paycheck for several more months).

 Hit and Run #1

Hit and Run #2

and last, but not least - Hit and Run #3

They say things comes in threes, so that better be my 3 for the year!

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