Tuesday, February 22, 2011

17 Months Old

 February 17th was another milestone for Kate – 17 months old. Wow. Justin and I have noticed how much more verbal she has been just in the last couple of days. The newest thing she is doing is trying to repeat what we say. This morning we asked her to say “bird” and she said “bur”, we tell her say “green” when the traffic light turns green and she repeats “eeen”. The other morning we saw a flock of birds and I told her the birds say “tweat, tweat”. She chirped back at me when I asked her what the birds say.

One of our biggest accomplishments is that Kate no longer takes a pacifier. We had been limiting her pacy to sleep time and the occasional church service, but I decided we needed to start the process of getting rid of it all together. Justin and I lucked out because we took it away one night and Kate never acted like she missed it. There was one or two times Kate would come out of her room with a pacifier and when I took it and threw it away, she just grinned and laughed. Kate’s kitty has been our life saver – Mrs. Betsy says kitty has magical powers. I think as long as she has her kitty life is good. It hit me hard when I realized Kate no longer needed her pacifier because it was just one more sign my little girl is no longer a baby.

Kate loves to give “sugar” (kisses) and “high-fives” on demand. Every morning, Justin walks us out to the car and buckles Kate in her car seat. Before we leave, he asks both Kate and I to give him “sugar” and a “high-five”. I know our current morning routine won’t last forever, but for now, it’s the best way to start my day.

Driving her car.
 Exploring everything! 
This is Kate's latest talent.  She loves to hold her shirt in her mouth and show off her belly.  If you ask "Where is Kate's belly?" this is her reponse.  This afternoon she stood in this position at the front door and waved as the neighbors walked or drove by.

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...