Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

2014 is here and I’m praying that it is a great year.  I have been challenged more these past three years than I ever have before, but I'm also thankful for everything I have learned. While I haven’t expressed all our heartache on my blog, it’s been a constant struggle in every aspect of our lives – physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. 

Health Concerns

For the majority of 2013, my focus has been on Justin. In addition to him not driving for a period of time, staying at home with the kids and then starting a new job at the end of August, Justin was suffering from severe side effects from one of his medications. Six months later, it was finally confirmed that one of his medications (that changed from name brand to generic) was the reason for these unexplained symptoms. I wish so badly we would have been able to determine that sooner so that Justin wouldn't have had to suffer so long, but I’m thankful we finally have an explanation and a solution.  Fingers crossed.

Mason has been my second biggest priority of 2013. The poor little guy has been sick week after week, month after month since starting school. He suffered through 6 ear infections in 8 weeks, had surgery to insert tubes in his ears, and came down with pneumonia at Thanksgiving for the grand finale (I hope). Whew. I was recently reviewing my leave balances and realized that during the past 4 months, I have used 10 days of sick leave between myself, Justin and Mason. I only have three more days of sick leave to last me until the end of August so I hope 2014 brings good health to both of my boys and continues to bring good health to Kate and I!


Finances have been a constant struggle for our family but we are slowly getting back on track. Justin accepted a job at the Department of Transportation at the end of August - a long answered prayer. Whew. If 2013 has taught us anything, it's that we can't live comfortably on one income. We have not been able to save as much as I had hoped so far, but I think 2014 is going to be the year that we can start rebuilding. Daycare expenses is one reason we have not been able to save as much, but for now I try to ignore the huge bill each month and try to remind myself that we aren't alone, it's our only option and that it won't last forever. Sigh. This time next year my goal is to have enough money in savings so that we start back on retirement and college savings contributions.  I hope we reach that goal!

Work/Family Life

Being a working mom is hard!  God has blessed me with a great job but I constantly feel like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done outside of working hours.  I’m tired all the time, but I’m so thankful that I have Justin to help me.  He helps me pack the kid’s lunches and backpacks for school every night and helps with the laundry, cooking and anything else that needs to be done around the house.  I don’t know what I would do without him!  
In October, we hired someone to clean our house every two weeks and that has been one of the best things we have ever spent money on.  It has allowed us to spend more time with the kids and less time cleaning! My resolution for 2014 is to maximize my time with my family! 
Focusing on the Positives

With each challenge we have faced, I have tried to make a conscious effort to try to find the silver lining. The more I do it, the easier it has become. There is always something positive to find in every bad situation. Focusing on the good, no matter how small it seems gives me hope and strength for enduring the situation.
Through all of the challenges Justin and I have faced in 2013, I am most thankful for our open communication and strong bond. Our relationship has been tested to new limits, but we have come through it closer to one another and closer to God. Despite everything we have gone through these past few years, I’m thankful for these hardships because they have helped mold us into better spouses.
I’m cautiously optimistic to see what 2014 has in store for our family.  I’m planning for the worse and hoping for the best.  I know every year my family will face struggles and challenges, but I pray 2014 will bring less heartache and more happiness!
Happy New Year!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...