Saturday, January 25, 2014

15 Months Old

Mason is 15 months old!  We went Tuesday afternoon for his 15 month checkup and Mason got a great report.

Here are Mason's 15 month stats:
Height - 29 3/4 inches - 15%
Weight - 22 lbs, 13 oz - 25%
Head Circumference - 47.3 cm - 50%

He is in size 18 month clothes, size 3 shoes, size 4 diapers and has 8 teeth (4 on top and 4 on bottom) with three molars coming through.  Mason’s sleeping patterns have greatly improved since he has been healthy for the past month or so.  He usually goes to bed between 7 and 7:30pm and he wakes up between 6:30 and 7am. 
At this age Mason is so happy and easy-going, but he can turn on the drama in the blink of an eye.  Thankfully it usually stops as quickly as it starts.  He is very mischievous and gets into everything Kate never messed with – the kitchen cabinets, the toilet, the washer and dryer, the pantry, etc.  He loves playing with Legos, throwing balls, chasing Kate, riding his Jeep push truck, banging on the furniture and being outside.  One of the funniest things he loves to do is turn the Swiffer vac on/off.  Justin or I usually Swiffer the floor every night and we call for Mason when it’s time.  Mason toddles up to the vac, turns it on, follows us all around the house, and then turns it off when we say we are done. 
I’m constantly reminded at how much he understands even though he can’t effectively communicate back to us.  I can ask him to bring me something and he will bring it and then grin at me and clap.  Mason will also purposely ignore us, especially when he is doing something he knows he shouldn’t do.  Most of the bath times or shower time end quickly because he is either pinching Kate or splashing all the water out of the bathtub.  He is all boy.
Mason is a constant thumb sucker and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.  He used to only suck his thumb when he was tired or sick, but I think he was sick for so long that it has now just created a bad habit.  I usually pull his thumb out of his mouth and jokingly say “you don’t need that thumb!” and he just grins and sticks it back in his mouth.  He has always held his neck with the free hand, but he started another odd habit now where he either sticks his free hand down the front of his shirt or puts a finger in his belly button while he sucks his thumb.  Keep it classy Mason. 
Mason’s favorite person right now is my dad.  He also loves being with Papa.  If either of his grandfathers are around I know he’s not going to pay me any attention.  I love the special relationship he has with each of them.  This boy is also an eating machine.  We have not found anything that Mason will not eat.  Some of his favorite foods are chicken, bbq pork, pizza, grapes, broccoli, green beans, bread/biscuits, pasta, cheese, peanut butter crackers, yogurt, yogurt puffs, goldfish, apple sauce, strawberries, craisins, chocolate chip muffins and cereal bars.
Although Mason jabbers all day long, his only word that’s distinguishable is “uh-oh”.  He will also say “mama” and “daddy” and recently he seems to be using that more correctly (actually calling me mama or Justin daddy).  He tries to say thank you (sounds like “teh u”) but I’m still waiting on his first “real word”.  I’ve heard boys are slower at speaking then girls so I’m patiently waiting.  Mason can still communicate clearly.  He points a lot, fusses if we get him down from his high chair and he’s still hungry, kicks his legs if we guess the food he wants to eat, grunts or says “ooo” if he wants our attention.
I’m trying to cherish every moment with Mason while he’s little because he’s growing so quickly.  Here's a few pictures of my handsome boy to mark his 15 month milestone!

Being sweet at the doctor's office.

Poor Mason constantly has a bruise on his face and usually in the same spot.  Poor guy falls constantly, but it never seems to slow him down long.

And because no photo shoot is complete without this picture...
Happy 15th month birthday Mase!

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Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...