Saturday, April 30, 2016

First (and Second) Tooth Gone!

Kate lost her first tooth on April 21st.  She has been waiting and waiting for the day to finally arrive and it did.  That morning, we were all at school for her Kindergarten Program.  Each class sang a song about Spring and Kate's class was the Army Ants, marching their way through springtime picnics. They did a fantastic job! 
Mason had the best seat in the house: 
 Proud parents:
 During the performance:

  Class picture!
 Our little army ant.
Thank you Gigi, Granddaddy (and Mimi) for coming! 
 So proud of our girl!
Later that day, Kate bit into an apple at lunch and her bottom front tooth popped out!  Caroline's mommy was there and took a couple pictures and sent them to me. :)

  Kate and a few of her girl friends (Eden, Caroline, and Sterling)
 Before bed, we put her tooth in the pillow Mimi had made for her.
 When Kate woke up the next morning, she discovered the Tooth Fairy had left her $1!
 Later that day, Kate's second bottom (loose) tooth came out and the Tooth Fairy left her another dollar for that one!  Very exciting - two teeth in less than 24 hours. I was a little heartbroken because it was the first big milestone that I missed (or at least that I know of).  I was there when she said her first word, took her first step, slept in her big girl bed for the first time, first time going on the potty, first day of school, etc.  But I missed her losing her first tooth.  I'm sure it won't be the last time I miss a milestone but it's another reminder of how quickly she's growing up!

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Happy Father's Day!

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