Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

This year we had a very quiet Christmas - no out of town family visiting, no traveling, just us.  It was different but in a good way.  We put up decorations early in December and Kate picked out a "baby snowman" for our yard.  As soon as daddy put the snowman up, Kate wanted her picture taken with it.  

I love their matching Santa outfits!

Daycare was closed several days for the holidays so I was able to take off and spent some quality time with the kids.  Two days before Christmas, Kate and Mimi worked on a Gingerbread House together.

 "Santa's little helper"

It's the most beautiful Gingerbread House I have ever seen!

Christmas Eve, Daddy was off of work too so we spent the day together.  Kate and I enjoyed some girl time that morning together - we went to see the Frozen movie and we both loved it! The evening, we went over to Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie's house for our annual dinner with her family.  We enjoyed a delicious lasagna dinner, dessert, and a white elephant gift exchange.  This year, I ended up stealing a Chick-fil-a gift card and Justin got a magnetic light.

 Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to take a family picture with Mason. :)
Before we left, we changed all the cousins into their Christmas pajamas and snapped a quick picture.  
So cute.

 And one more picture at home in front of our tree before the kids went to bed...

Kate was so excited about Santa coming that night, but we had to reassure her several times that Santa would not come into her room.  Poor thing.  I don't know why she has developed such a fear of Santa Claus.  We tried to convince her that she needed to go see him and tell him what she wanted for Christmas, but informed us that she would just get some money and buy all her gifts at the store.  I can't argue with that logic.  Luckily, Santa still came to visit her!

Christmas morning, Kate was still sleeping at 7:30 so we let Mason wake her up.  Mommy and Daddy were ready to see what Santa had brought!

 Kate was very excited about her dollhouse but Mason would scream if we tried to put him in the ball pit.  Maybe one day he'll start playing in it.  

After the kids played for a little bit with their new toys, we headed over to my parent's house.  I love the huge Christmas breakfast we have - I look forward to it every year.  We had a fantastic Christmas over there and opened lots of wonderful gifts.  Some of the gifts Kate got were a Hello Kitty stereo, an art easel with paints and paper, a Lalaloopsey Remote Control Scooter, and a Hello Kitty tutu and matching shirt.  Mason received some clothes, pajamas, bouncy balls, baby photo bible, and a ride on Lego Jeep that he loves.  

 Camden loved hanging out in the exersaucer and playing with tissue paper while everyone opened gifts.
 Love these three.
 Sneaking a peak at the gifts.
 Gigi and Kate posed in front on their presents - the smallest and the largest.
 One more attempt at a family picture - better this time.

 Around lunch, we headed back to our house to celebrate Christmas with Mimi and Papa.  In past years, we go over to their house on Christmas afternoon but we decided to try something new this year.  Mimi and Papa came over to our house after the kids woke up from their naps and we had a great time opening presents and spending the afternoon together before our big Christmas dinner.  Mason received a couple John Deer toys (tractors and trucks), books, bath toys and a cute summer outfit.  Kate received read a long princess books, two beautiful summer dresses, palace pets, a Belle doll, and Princess Anna from Frozen.  I hope Mimi and Papa didn't mind the location change because I hope we can do it again next year!

This was our first year hosting dinner and we had a wonderful time.  We knew there would be several kids at Christmas dinner and thought our house would be a good place for the kids to run wild and have plenty of toys to play with. Everyone brought a couple dishes to contribute and we celebrated Christmas with my parents, Justin's parents, my grandmother, the Mundie Family and Mr. Lanier (Justin's old business partner and a great family friend).  It was so enjoyable spending time together, although we really missed Uncle Evan, Aunt Mel, Erin and Ryan. 

Christmas 2013 was one of my favorites!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Dorothy B Oven Park 2013

We typically go to Dorothy B Oven park to see the Christmas light the first weekend in December, but this year we postponed our annual event until this past weekend.  It was drastically more crowded this past weekend, but that was to be expected since it was the last weekend before Christmas. 

We all met at Red Elephant after work and enjoyed a quick dinner together before we went over to the park.  Kate didn't waste any time posing by all the lights.

 Guess who started crying for the group picture...

 Kate loved the pink reindeer.
 Even Mason enjoyed looking at the reindeer, until we tried for another group picture at the sleigh.  You know what happened next...
 In the meantime, his sister was all smiles.

  The lines to take pictures on the Sleigh and the Train were long but we patiently waited for our turn. Note to self - there's a reason why we go early in December to the park.  We don't have to wait in line to take pictures. 

Despite the crowds, we all had a great time!  I love this annual tradition!

Camden's Baby Bible Dedication

 Last Sunday was the baby bible dedication at church.  I took a couple pictures of the big day after service that morning... 
 Sweet Camden - he did great during the presentation.
 Proud grandparents.
Group picture - minus Justin who was sick at home.
I tried for a picture of just the grand kids and surprise - Mason is crying!

GSA Christmas Program 2013

Thursday was Kate's Christmas Program at Good Samaritan.  Daddy wasn't able to get off work that morning, but both Mimi and Gigi were able to come so Kate was very excited.  She did a wonderful job and sang her heart out, but she also managed to embarrass me by picking her nose throughout the entire program!  Sigh.

Kate's class sang "A Christmas Star" so they all wore star headbands.

My little "Star"

After the program, we all went to Kate's classroom where Kate gave me the Christmas ornament she made:
The teacher's took each child's picture beside the school's Christmas tree while wearing a Santa hat.  So cute, I love it!

Thank you Gigi and Mimi for coming this year!  It's hard to believe next year will be Kate's last Christmas program at Good Samaritan.  

Happy Father's Day!

I want to wish this special guy a Happy Father's Day!  One day Kate and Mason will realize how lucky they are to call him dad.  He coac...