I guess it's about time I posted an update on our family! In the past month, we were able to close our on new house early, moved in, and are now just waiting on baby brother now (and no, we still do not have a name finalized).
Kate has adjusted wonderfully to the new house. I was worried she would ask to go back to Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie's house, but she loves her new room and I think it has helped that she is able to play once again with all her toys. Most of them had been packed up for several months so it's like Christmas to her. She has been cooking up a storm in her play kitchen, strolling her babies all around the house, and even playing with some of baby brother's toys. One of her favorite things right now is her princess dress. She has told me she wants to wear it at Halloween so I hope that doesn't change! She wears it as soon as she wakes up until it's time to leave for school, and then puts it back on as soon as she gets home from school.

Kate is also excited about all the pumpkins at this time of year. Sunday, Gigi went with Kate and I to meet Mrs. Betsy at the Pumpkin Patch for pictures. I tried to take a couple pictures before Mrs. Betsy got there and Kate fussed at me saying, "Mom! I just wait on Mrs. Betsy to take my picture!". Gigi bought a little pumpkin for Kate before we left (which rode with us in the car this morning to school) and she also bought a pumpkin for baby brother. Here's a couple pictures from the photo shoot that Mrs. Betsy posted on her
blog - I love them!
Now I've just got to sign up for a date to take our holiday photos - hard to believe we'll be a family of four this Christmas.
The last weekend in September, my cousin, Tiffany, and her family came down for a quick visit. She is expecting another boy (their third!) in February and my other cousin, Kayla (Tiffany's sister) is expecting a baby in November (but they are waiting to find out the gender). Lots of little babies will be arriving soon! It was nice to see everyone and spend some time together and Kate had a blast playing with Andrew again. The last time they had seen each other was at Uncle Jordan and Aunt Katie's wedding.
Group Picture
Kate and Andrew
The next weekend was our big moving weekend. God was looking out for Justin and I and we were able to close on our new house almost a week earlier than originally planned. Everything fell into place at the last minute and it was all God's intervention. It made such a difference getting into the house on a Friday night instead of the scheduled Wednesday night. We had so much help and I can not thank our friends and family enough for helping us move, clean, unpack, watch Kate, etc. Anything that was needed was taken care of and we owe a lot of people many thanks! As frustrating as it was at times to stay put in our little townhouse, moving into this new house has made it all worth it. We were able to get a beautiful house at a price that didn't break our budget, didn't need any repairs or renovations, and has so much room for us to grow into!
The only picture we took on moving day - couldn't resist since Kate, Gigi and Granddaddy were all in their FSU shirts.
I need to take pictures of the new house, but that will have to be a separate post.
In other news, here's a baby update. I went to the doctor today and I am at 5.5 cm dilated. My biggest concern is getting too far along to where I can't have an epidural. But the midwife assured me I would have plenty of time, even at my current stage. She offered to let me go into the hospital today, but I hesitated to not let nature take its course so I decided to wait until Friday. If nothing happens before then, I was told I'll have the same option to be induced (all that means is that they will break my water) or I can wait again.
Justin said he hopes little man will come tomorrow - the 17th. Justin and Kate both have birthdays on the 17th so we'll see what tomorrow holds. I hadn't thought about it that way, but it would be neat if they all had that in common. I'm just excited to see who he looks like - but I'm not going to be surprised if he resembles his daddy, just like his sister.
I haven't blogged much about being pregnant, but honestly there aren't many positive things I can say about it. I am so much larger than I was with Kate and I'm carrying all out in front which makes this pregnancy so much more uncomfortable than my first one. I'm getting to the point where I don't like to go in public. I don't mind the stares, but it's the comments that strangers are making that are the most irritating. I've heard so many rude comments and most of the time the person probably doesn't realize how it comes across, but it's annoying none the less. I'm not carrying twins, I shouldn't be at the hospital, I'm due at any time, and yes - you won the bet with your co-worker, I'm carrying a boy. Thank goodness this will soon be in the past.
The biggest differences I have noticed with this pregnancy was my sickness (as bad or even worse than it was with Kate) and the overall discomfort, constant pressure in this last month, and the nerve and back pain in my third trimester. For a week or so, because of the baby's position on my sciatic nerve, my leg would give out on me without warning and I would limp everywhere. Thankfully, little man moved off my sciatic nerve and gave me some relief, but that was something I had never experienced before (nor do I want to experience again). I lived on Tylenol during the 7th and 8th month and in this last month, it's been mainly the pressure that is so uncomfortable. I need to have this baby soon because I'm down to only one or two outfits I can wear comfortably.
I officially started my maternity leave today (yea!) and it would be nice to have a couple days at home to rest before he comes, but he might have other plans. I asked Justin to take a profile picture before my doctor's appointment this morning - poor mommy.
This blog post was one of the last things on my "to-do" list before the baby comes, so now I can relax!